Donations and Contributions

Vision Statement: By ensuring that all South Africans irrespective of their Race, Language and Creed, are able to live in a Society free from any form of Social, Economic, Cultural and Religious discrimination.

Payment can be done by means of direct deposit or by electronic funds transfer ( EFT ) using the DLC bank details below. If you wish to transact via eft, please select your bank.

Bank    Account Type  Branch Code  Account Number
  FNB         Cheque    220529    62606435635


-To organize and mobilize people with a common interest.

-To Strive for equal opportunities for Housing, Basic Services, Education, Employment, Health Services, Social Welfare Services, Land and Poverty Alleviation Programs / Projects.

-To enhance the fight for a Society free from Crime, Corruption, Violence against Women and Men and Dreaded Diseases, such as HIV/Aids.

-To respect the Rule of Law of our Land.

-To fight against all forms of discrimination.